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Topics - TexasT

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IHADAV8 Playground / They didn't like his trailer...
« on: November 24 2016, 04:55:33 PM »
So he built them a custom reminder to help them when he goes to the races. Hahaha

General Buick Tech / fuel pressure gauge
« on: October 29 2016, 06:51:03 PM »
So, Im thinking i need a fuel pressure gauge to look at the pressure at wot. I set it at idle but the o2 seems to fall off when I get on it. No KR but I have the boost down around 14psi after the maf debacle earlier this year. We got that all squared away and with the new to me scanmaster we have opened up a whole new world of possibilities in tuning and such. I even took interest in the powerlogger but fundage is holding me back. I was able to download the plc software and am able to look at others logs and am learning quite a bit. Most of all I need one.

So, I'm surfin' the ebay for "less expensive" pressure gauge options and came across some stuff of interest.
I found this little kit offered by a seller with 6 feed backs. pm&vxp=mtr
Not sure what cpe sunthetic rubber is so I'm kinda leery of it. I just wanted to hook up at the end of the fuel rail and run it up to the windshield and tape it on for some blasts like I did with the trans pressure gauge. 9b&vxp=mtr
These looked fancy, but these you get two if you win the bid.
I do find it amusing these offer a year warranty. Who would even try to collect? Just the shipping back would eat up the cost.

Second question. It has been brought up several times in the stuff I searched that you must remove the schrader valve in the end of the rail for the gauge to work. After removed, can one put the schrader valve back in? I'm guessing it is like a tire but not sure. Am I just better off to get one of these AC lines and just use that. Im pretty sure I saw more than one person using it at the track to pump the reg fuel out of their tank into a gas can and putting in "race" fuel back in the day.
Or maybe something like these but they don't say how long it is.
Or this and some injection hose. It is just temp.

Then comes that actual gauge.
These are cheap but Id like some thing bigger for my old eyes. pY

 Interesting diagnostic and repair philosophy from "Mr Shift", Gil Younger of TransGo


I got this from the TransGo (automatic transmission shift kit company website. See the original link here:

Gil likes slogans like: "It's easy to fix it, once you find out exactly where to work on it." "Tech info has no value unless it is available at exactly the same time the problem is." "The vehicle should be telling you what to work on. If you think you are smart enough that you can tell the vehicle what to do, you are going to get your butt kicked." "Everything is alive. If you get angry at a vehicle or the trans, it won't fix until you apologize and say you are sorry." "The vehicle always knows what it is doing and what the cause of it's bad feeling is. If you ask it humbly what the problem is, it will tell you. Then you and it will both be happy." Gil hopes his experience, imbedded in tech and parts, can help you locate the part of the trans that is waiting for you to heal it.

The Technology IS the Ethic

If the sign on the building or any advertising says, "Transmissions" that is declaration to the Universe that you know how to fix them. When a product or service is offered, the offer itself is a specific claim by the seller that he is accepting the moral and technical responsibility for correct function, for a reasonable length of time, in exchange for money.

Regardless what you may call your repair, the job is in your shop to have the complaints and failures corrected. It doesn't matter how honest you are, as a person, if you don't have the ability needed to fix the causes of the complaints and failures where is the ethic? Each transmission develops 3 to 5 complaints and failures you see over and over again and again. A service is ethical and deserving to the exact extent that your service corrects the causes of those complaints and failures; and does not include a whole bunch of parts that were not needed.
No more and no less. Gil

Have You Lost Your Magic Wand?

Have you noticed that today's "new breed" of automatic transmissions are much harder to fix? Did it ever occur to you that: They barely worked when brand new? The car almost limped off the showroom floor? The slightest warp, wear or blip–one you can't even see, finishes it off? Have you taken some apart and found burned friction, but can't find a cause? Seals were ok? Rings were ok? Scary isn't it?

How do you feel after you've waved the "magic wand" (installed new friction and seals), only to find during the road test that it's barely holding? Or it's got a bump? Or a runaway? Gives you a sick-to-your-stomach feeling – right?

Have you ever gotten tired, frustrated or angry after working on the TV for an hour or more, and you can't seem to make any difference? Or worse, to find that you now have new problems such as early soft shifts, or late shifts, or a slide or bump, or no kickdown?

There was a time when the main cause of trans failure was rubber seals: the rubber shrunk, got hard, leaked, and then slipping causing the burned friction, and you "knew" the fix: replace the burned friction and install new seals. This was so common that "friction and rubber" became known as a "magic wand" to the trans repair trade. Have you discovered that the "magic" friction and seals no longer work magic?

Say goodbye to those "Good ole days." When you take apart today's trans and find burned friction, you usually find that the seals are like new and the rings are okay, too – right? Do you pretend that maybe the clutches or bands were defective? Are you still trying to kid yourself into believing that the burned friction was the cause of the complaint or failure, when deep down you know that burned friction is the result of operating the car with a complaint? We're going to say this again so that you can and will face the facts and stop being afraid of what you think you might have to learn: burned friction and overheated parts are the result of operating the car with a complaint.

Replacing the damaged parts, at most, only restores the trans to the condition it was in just before it failed. Sometimes it doesn't even do that much. Replacing the damaged parts does not correct the complaint or condition that caused the parts to fail.
The complaint itself has a cause. Until you've found and corrected this cause, you haven't started to really fix the trans. On the other hand, when you fix the cause of the complaint, you have made a real fix, and both the complaints and the failures stop.

As a shop owner or mechanic, do you feel that this whole business is getting too complicated? How are you going to find the time to keep up with the changes/developments so that you'll really be able to fix transmissions and make money doing so?

Do you find that you are spending a lot more time with your customers, trying to convince them that their car is "normal" because "all of them do it?" Don't you find it degrading trying to convince the customer – or yourself – that the "non-fix" is not your fault, but rather the way "they" made them? Isn't that just a clever way to transfer blame to another while you keep the customer's money and he limps away with the complaint? Blaming "them" or "the factory," or saying "It's normal 'cause that's how they made 'em," is a copout. It's a smooth way of saying, "I don't know how to fix this." But saying such things does not excuse you. The customer expects a true fix, not an alibi.

We know that you deal with the same complaints the customer had when the car was in warranty. But did they ever get it fixed? Someone else's failures should not be an excuse for you not to succeed. Blaming "they" or "them" because"that's the way 'they' made them" or because "they didn't fix it" is no excuse. Your customer is paying you, not "they" or "them." He looks to you, not to "they" or "them" to remedy his complaints.

For those of you who are about to claim that you're not having any warranty problems, we say: that most probably means that the car is still moving. It does not mean that the trans works properly. An unhappy customer may be chugging around bad mouthing you.

A warranty is nice for the customer to have, but what he really wants is for someone to make his trans work the way it should without any stories about "they/them" or "normal." What good is a warranty if it really means that you will re-fix a failure while the customer continues to live with the original complaints, plus some that "wore in" all the way to the salvage yard?

Using the guarantee as an excuse for not fixing the complaint is a first class "rip" that a shop can get trapped into simply because the mechanic does not have all the information needed to fix the complaint. We hope you're ready to get out of the degradation and hassle of "non-fix" situations. We assure that it's easier to fix the trans than it is to deal with the non-fix hassle.
The best from me and my guys. Gil

Law of Communication

Is the trans having a Problem with YOU? Attention brings perception. Perception allows understanding. Understanding permits corrective action. So what fixes it? Caring, because caring creates attention. What does this mean? It means work on what you love and always choose to love what you work on.

Certainly you have noticed that when you get upset with any identity it doesn't want you to FIX it? Just because it is a trans or a particular vehicle doesn't change a thing. This is not a mystery. To fix something it must be able to communicate to you what the cause of the problem is. If you are upset with it, it doesn't want to communicate with you, and it doesn't want you "fixing" it. [ByTelling it how wrong it is]

Communication 1st law: A communication channel expands or contracts to match the amount of RESPECTFUL communication that goes back and forth thru it in BOTH DIRECTIONS.

When you are upset the trans does not want to communicate with you. The trans always knows what it is doing, we are ones that don't know. If you've tried a couple things and it is not fixed, it's probably upset with you. It's time to say, "please forgive me and allow me a fresh start."Caring is in the heart not the brain.

Opening the heart is what makes the momentary calmness the brain needs to reach understanding and see causes. Then be thankful not bossy. The secret is to let the behavior of the trans tell you what to do, instead of you telling the trans how it should behave. Sooner or later just about every problem gets fixed because it will go from place to place hunting for someone who is caring enough to listen and wise enough to not try to outsmart it. It's a lot easier to fix the complaints than deal with the hassle.
Factory specs can be used until you find better ones.

You Choose the Price

The best way to charge more is to deliver more value. A best way to make more money is to FIX it on the first try.

If parts and labor fixed trans's this trade wouldn't exist, they'd all get fixed at the corner gas station. Time and consciousness [technology] is what fixes them, and being responsible is what guarantees them, so it is really mysterious that prices are often based on parts and labor.

If you choose to get your mind off parts and labor and place it on finding and correcting the causes of complaints and failures then ethical pricing will be based on: Responsibility [warranty] + Technology x Time = More for you and a lot more for your customer. Each day a key tech person spends working on one that won't ship, or is back with complaint, reduces shop volume $1500 or more. And builds 4 days of stress.

General Buick Tech / Front suspension
« on: October 13 2016, 11:16:09 AM »
I read over the Charlief1 suspension sticky.
Not real sold on the tubular a arms. I went to the speedway site and they say not reccomended for street use.

So I went on and surfed over there and came up with these.


Will probably get a set of sway bar end links too as they are cheap. Ive been searching for a local camaro 36mm hollow bar but no luck yet.

Any thoughts on solid or urethane bushings. I'm leaning at solid as the down pipe cant melt them but if the urethane dont melt I'm sure they would be better for the street.?

IHADAV8 Playground / 2016 UTI gtg
« on: October 02 2016, 07:16:14 AM »

I haven't seen this many turbo regals in one place in probably twenty years. Saw some old friends, met some new ones.


IHADAV8 Playground / for those who do fine measurements
« on: August 27 2016, 10:08:01 AM »
Finer than frog hair?
Might not be work safe, depending on what work you do.

For those who measure twice and cut once.

IHADAV8 Playground / looks like we are getting a...
« on: August 26 2016, 11:04:39 PM »
Looks like we are getting a ... Summit Racing Warehouse.

Wont have far to go but now ill have to pay sales tax.

IHADAV8 Playground / there are more out
« on: July 19 2016, 09:26:25 AM »
So, keep your eyes open.

I'm kinda into "binders"(international harvester) stuff, and saw this pickup so I thought id snap a pic. As I did I saw a white regal along that fence behind it. I looked closer and it looked like it had a black grille. My interest peaked so I made the block for a closer look.

Through the fence.

I went across the street to ask about it. It was weird as it has Washington state plates on it and I am of course in Texas. The guy across the street told me it is a customer car. He bought it in Washington and drove it back . He said the owner has 35-40 cars and loan this one to a friend, and it came back with a rod knock. I asked if it might be for sale but the shop guy said the owner wanted it fixed. I'll keep checking back as the first guy I talked to who pointed me to the office said it had been sitting there since he started working there. I hope the ground doesn't reclaim it.

Has a nice paint job but the regal, limited and T badges, were all over the place. GTA wheels, t-tops and leather. Nice car. I'll be checking back to see about picking this machine up one of these days. They were talking about how rare a white limited with WO2 and ttops is. I guess that makes this one pretty rare, 1 of 1035 right haha.

IHADAV8 Playground / Calling Alan Minga... or someone who knows him
« on: July 18 2016, 09:25:58 PM »

We were looking at these and wondered if there was a time slip. It launches so smooooooth, and with a 93 mph it is movin pretty good. We were wondering about the 60' time and other splits. any suspension work?


IHADAV8 Playground / power tour 2016
« on: June 14 2016, 10:08:13 PM »
So, the power tour has come to my area. One of the local purveyors of performance products hosted an open house event with tours and such. Pretty much a car show in the parking lot so I snapped some pix.

We are on the tour, pretty good stuff. We are up in the engineering room, so I asked where they kept the "magic smoke" , got a little laugh. We get down to the assembly area and it seems they hand crimp this stuff. So I asked. He said much of it was so small that it just wasn't cost effective to have it done on a machine. I get that. The only thing holding a weed bender like me back is the connectors and the high tech wire. Oh yeah, I asked about that too. It seems they use a conductor with about twice as many strands as the or and a better insulation that can do way more than the pvc stuff the OEM used on old cars. Good stuff. I probably should have taken pix but it wasn't that cool. They had a bunch of fixtures so they could make different harnesses. It looked real nice and it was real clean.

Interesting hood bulge, I didn't get to see under it. It had sparkly blue paint kinda like a bass boat.
The rest of the pix. Even got a couple of that black car, the only Buick I saw.

General Buick Tech / MAF sensor
« on: May 25 2016, 02:49:40 PM »
Not really trying to reinvent the wheel but i do spend an inordinate time on research and how things can be done on the cheap. I'm meeting up with Jason later so I had time to kill.
I found this but looked through the full throttle site and don't see where they sell this pipe.

Found these on the amazon so maybe you are suppose to buy the mafless pipe and put it in yourself.

and I guess just put in one of these.

or maybe one of these housings

Then there are these t4&vxp=mtr

I'm leaning toward one of these AXIS translator boxes. It seems it wont do all it can without 60lb injectors and a special chip. But can go that route in the future if the eric gets out with a chip good to use the 42lb injectors. Maybe I can get some 60s or the chip will get developed. Just seems like a better thing with more potential for an additional $20. Eric sez the 5.6 chip I have will have its tunability until the new stuff happens.

Any thoughts? TIA

General Buick Tech / ignition coil
« on: May 14 2016, 02:32:26 PM »
Not sure mine is bad but the mileage has slipped a couple miles per gallon.I haven't busted out the meter to check the resistance. I have some popping and loss of power when "getting on it". If I roll into it does alright but if I just go straight wfo, it doesn't want to go. I have that new dw200 fuel pump so I'm not thinking it is fuel related but not sure. Will get the gauge on that when I hit the coil with the meter.

So I did a bit of searching and see the ac Delco and Delphi coils are $100 or so and the bwd and other aftermarket pieces are half to two thirds as much. Anyone have experience with the bwd? It has a lifetime warranty but if it doesn't work what good is that? Do I need to replace the module at the same time? Is it better to hit the wrecking yard with a list of other cars or is that just a snipe hunt as those have mostly been crushed or have aftermarket coils on them?

Thanks for your thoughts.

General Buick Tech / marshal's issues 87 GN
« on: May 05 2016, 07:02:10 PM »
I went ahead and started a thread. I'll put a link in the shout box.

Lean code 44
I would be looking for a leak in the intake past the maf. If you are running the stock cloth maf to turbo pipe I would bet a hole has formed. I have used electrical tape in the past but a metal pipe or new cloth pipe might be in order.
Next you might put a gauge on it to verify fuel pressure. It is spring, probably time for a new fuel filter anyway.


Not sure if this has been posted before . It sez it only goes to 76. Not sure if it would apply to the mid eighties regal. I thought it was good info as I'm going to swap a tilt into my GS. I have the column, just have to make the time.

IHADAV8 Playground / power tour 2016
« on: May 03 2016, 08:58:32 AM »
Anyone going to be on the power tour this year? It will be coming through and I'd like to meet anyone who wants to get together on Tues night when it makes a stop at Traders Village in Grand Prairie. Let me know.

I will be meeting up with ineedagn from the big board so the more the merrier. He is long haulling in his Grand National.

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