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Messages - good2win22

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Buick Events / Re: Paul Ferry takes over Buick GS Club GSCA
« on: January 24 2020, 07:49:02 AM »
I'm in the "decades for some" category. On a side note, does this mean you don't have to be a gsca member to race at the Nationals?
My last nationals was 91 and it sure looks by the pix I've seen the last decade has had a serious decline in attendance.
You don’t have to be a member to race. I’m not a member.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Building A Garage
« on: January 15 2020, 05:31:49 PM »
Not sure if you can do it up there Brad, but in the states you can file with the municipality for what’s called a variance. This is an exception to the rules. We had to do one for my father in laws back porch. File with the city and then send certified letters to the neighbors to see if they had a problem with what we wanted to do. If no one squawks, then the variance is approved and your somewhat free to build.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Building A Garage
« on: January 08 2020, 07:36:23 AM »
If I could have designed my shop, some type of heating coming from the floor.  Concrete is cold and sucks the life out of you

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Shopping for a two post
« on: January 08 2020, 07:34:18 AM »
Thanks fellas!

Steve, don’t you have a 4 post?  Did you pick up and install it yourself? I am hoping to purchase the lift and install. I have the wiring in place.

Building was here when we bought the place. Two 12’ roll up doors. 12’ sides, 14’ at the center and 30’ wide

IHADAV8 Playground / Shopping for a two post
« on: January 07 2020, 01:01:38 PM »
Hey fellas, looking for some solid advice on a lift. Been researching and seems to be a lot of knock offs.  Looking for quality and reliability. 

Anyone have anything good or bad to say about about rotary?

General Buick Tech / Re: hiding problems?
« on: December 04 2019, 07:01:09 AM »
I’ve got one at the house that runs like a champ until you go over 5 psi of boost then it spits and sputters.  Has me pulling my hair out. Known good Cam sensor and cap.. check.  Known good ignition module/coil pack/plugs and wires... check. Known good crank sensor...check . Next on the list is ringing out wires to the module.

Fella said he put in a TT chip, hot wire and 42 pound injectors and this all started. Hmmmm....

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Coming soon to my little corner of the world
« on: November 13 2019, 11:33:57 PM »
i think you’re gonna like it...

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Overwhelmingly busy
« on: November 13 2019, 11:29:52 PM »
Thanks fellas! 

Steve - Yes doing the same thing but I’ll be back in the Chinook with long line and Bambi bucket. We will be on a call when needed contract till Dec 1st. Then exclusive use until end of March.

Shop has a 14 foot center with 12 foot sides. Inside, there is an enclosed 12x30 office area with shower, sink and toilet. Over head storage above the office. Then 38x30 shop area and the carport measures 25x30.

Would like to put in a two post lift when I can get around to it

IHADAV8 Playground / Overwhelmingly busy
« on: November 11 2019, 07:34:20 PM »
Been a while since I posted up.  Life.. work... just overwhelmed with it all.

Work. Been on a contract in Southern California covering specifically Orange County and on call when needed for surrounding counties since mid June. That’s a 12 day on and 6 day off schedule. Their fire season started a little late in the season as I’m sure y’all saw reported on the news.

In the middle of all that, my wife found a property just outside the city limits that suited our needs. Not that I was looking. I was perfectly happy where we were at. Been there over 12 years. But this place had something that sold me. As one child is married and the other is a senior in high school, the need for an 11 room, 130 year old farm house didn’t appeal to the wife’s schedule of keeping up the house without help from the kids... so downsizing was on her mind.

We put in an offer and purchased the “new to us” home and property. Being in a position to not have to sell our old home, we had planned to move on my scheduled time off. I wanted to have a home inspector come in and tell us what needed to be repaired or updated before listing. Well that took a left turn when word got out that we were moving. We had people knocking down the door wanting to buy our old house. We didn’t have a real estate agent and folks wanted a price. So we get an agent, come up with a price and now have the old house under contract to close on the 21st. Lucky for us as I told the buyers it was sold as is so don’t ask for repairs. 

So we got moved out. Had a fence and gate put up.  And I’m headed to Santiago, Chile on the 16th working a new contract which has a 3 week on and 3 week off schedule.

The Phoenix is coming along and has been giving a new name. “EGL RSNG”. That’s “eagle rising” for the acronym impaired.  Two reasons for the change. First, someone already took that license plate here in Texas.  Second, as an old warrant officer, our insignia for the warrant officer branch was described as an eagle rising before the smart people decided to make us part of our commissioned brethren with their insignia. So a little homage to my warrant officer heritage.

General Auto Tech / Re: Any ford big block guys here?
« on: November 08 2019, 03:37:18 PM »
Anything Pre 1972 is desirable on the block and heads side of the fence. We always junked the stock intakes for an offenhauser.

General Auto Tech / Re: Sensor wiring
« on: October 05 2019, 10:16:02 PM »
Looks like you found a niche in the Buick market! I’ll take at least a half dozen

General Auto Tech / Re: nocooler's firechicken thread
« on: October 05 2019, 10:07:56 PM »
Looks fast!

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Shop floor coatings
« on: September 10 2019, 02:54:19 AM »
Thanks fellas

General Buick Tech / Re: 60 ft blues
« on: September 08 2019, 11:45:58 PM »
Nice slip!

IHADAV8 Playground / Shop floor coatings
« on: September 08 2019, 12:07:43 AM »
Me and the wife have decided to down size our house. That being said, we close on another property next Wednesday. Smaller home just 7 miles from our current home but outside the city limits. Property has real nice 40x90 shop. 40x60 is enclosed with the rest under a carport. 14 foot walls with two doors on one end.

Before I go move anything into the shop I would like to coat the floors. Been reading up on the epoxy coating and Polyurea coating. Anyone have experience with the Polyurea? Comparing the two, I believe the Polyurea has the advantage with application and durability.

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