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Messages - jkelley

Pages: 1 [2]
General Buick Tech / Re: No Dashlights or Taillights
« on: January 02 2012, 02:00:52 AM »
I was out messing with it earlier and just like you stated no parking lights neither :021: ...GRRRRRR

General Buick Tech / Re: Steve Wood Thanks!
« on: January 01 2012, 08:03:40 PM »
Or the Search and Restore team from powerblock TV ?

General Buick Tech / No Dashlights or Taillights
« on: January 01 2012, 06:39:39 PM »
So I jumped into the GN to go for a spin I hit the light switch heard a "POP" I  didnt have any dashlights went to checking and noticed no tailights...So I put it in park checked all the fuses and the TLP fuse was blown I noticed it required a 20 fuse but it had a 40 in it...So I changed it and once again I flipped the switch on the lights and "POP" again..So I went to the forum board read all the post Checked all grounds looked for worn wires bulbs all the wiring down the driver side to the trunk etc etc.....I pulled the the center console found the grey and black wire for the shift indicator light and someone beat me to it and discarded it already wire's and all except the plug coming from under the dash ...So Im lost any help be greatly appreciated ... :068: DAMN GREMLINS

General Buick Tech / Re: Steve Wood Thanks!
« on: January 01 2012, 12:48:21 AM »
Priceless!!!! :068:

General Buick Tech / Re: Steve Wood Thanks!
« on: December 31 2011, 07:10:58 PM »
Thanks SuperSix & SW... I have to say that out of all the Forums I have visited and went through and Vortexbuicks are the ones I like the best they have the most helpful information supplied and the members are always eager to help...Its funny when I would have my BBC Camaro Nova or Chevelle which were nice cars sitting in my driveway noone ever asked me if I wanted to sell them or just stop by and talk ...But ever since my GN has been parked out there I have had at least 6 people just stop and ask if its for sale or yell out Nice car...Or when Im tinkering on it people just stop and want to talk about the car and how they remeber when they first came out or a friend owned one  ....Great car! :powersix:

General Buick Tech / Steve Wood Thanks!
« on: December 31 2011, 02:19:21 PM »
Yes Im a Noob...I have had several Muscle Cars in the past..But working on a GN I have learned they are a different and finnicky ...I want to put a shout out to Steve Wood...."Thanks"!...Over the past several days while working on my 87 GN I purchased he took the time and patience to answer all my questions even if they were stupid and simple ones...Again Thanks Steve if it hadnt been for you and your Knowledge I would still be working on the GN instead of driving it... :icon_super:

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