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General Buick Tech / Which Size Rear Tires?
« on: November 09 2023, 04:46:09 PM »
So I still have my MT 275-60 x 15 Drag Radials on the back (which were new back at BPG 2013) & they still have some tread for a track day but that's pretty much history for me so I'm in need of street tires & the front TA are still fine.                         
Amazon has MT 275-60 x 15 but I'm thinking maybe a 255-50? instead for a less aggressive look & a better fit?
What size tires are you guys using on the back these days?  :cheers:

No I don't drive the car much for those tires to still have tread after 3 years of BPG events & 10 years driving.  :rolleyes;
I do have a couple stock rims just in case I get the itch I can swap on the DR's.

General Buick Tech / Front Bumper Fillers
« on: April 25 2021, 11:59:53 AM »
While pulling the engine I first removed the bumper & my still decent looking front bumper fillers pretty much disintegrated when I bumped into them a couple times. So I've been looking at the options from Kirban, Danko, G Body Parts, Rock Auto, Hiway Stars & Mikes Monte's popped up as well. Seems they are all the same with almost the exact the same claims of close to original chemical makeup, last GM molds & no pitting etc. etc. Only Rock Auto are different & sell Goodmark but the rest are all the same & from $120-$140 except of course Kirbans are $160+ so before I order some has anyone made a purchase lately & their thoughts on them? I'm sure that they all need 4-5 hours with a good body shop but I'm not real fussy on them as the car needs a paint job at this point but it's just not in the near future for me so as long as they fit half decent I'm good with them. Thanks  :cheers:

General Buick Tech / Block Tester Kit results
« on: April 05 2021, 03:16:52 PM »
So I finally took the car outside & used my new Block Tester Kit to confirm exhaust gasses in the new rad.
I lowered the rad fluid about 4 inches before I started. With a warm engine I put an ounce of the Purple testing fluid into the large tube & proceeded to put the solid rubber end into the rad cap opening & push down firmly for a tight seal. Then sucking up rad only vapors with the squeeze ball provided & if the liquid turns from Purple to Yellow there's an exhaust leak.
My leak is so strong that as soon as I made a good seal onto the rad the vapors came rushing up thru the foam filter & within 4-5 seconds the fluid was bright Yellow. The pressure is so powerful that if I put the rad cap on for 30-45 seconds when I remove it the rad shoots fluid up like the engine is super hot. I don't even have a thermostat installed so its just free flowing & with the new rad & heater core it has a good strong flow above idle.
I'll do another compression test but assuming they are still all at 145-160 lbs I guess the 1st step will be to remove the intake & see what the gasket looks like? The motor oil was changed at the end of last season & it was a bit dirty but normal & today it looks like nice new oil so no milkshake or any contamination that I can see. Before I start the intake job maybe I'll save some oil in case I need to have it tested down the road because in the past every time I've removed the intake I get some fluid into the engine. Anything else besides the compression test? I know the plugs will be all over the place so I don't put much trust into them at this point. Thanks

General Buick Tech / New Cooling System what to use?
« on: September 23 2020, 01:20:37 PM »
I have the new rad & heater core in & I've always used distilled water & RMI 25 but it rusts up a bit over time & I usually drain & refill it  every couple years. I'm wondering if I should use some anti-freeze or a bottle of that water pump lubricant additive? The 2 pipes from water pump to heater core running along the passenger side have a fair amount of rust inside them. I have a spray can of Rust Converter I used on some metal before it was painted & it worked half decent but I have to check if it will hold up being in water all the time? Any other ideas to deter rust in my nice new system?  :chin:

General Buick Tech / Heater Core Cover?
« on: September 06 2020, 03:41:48 PM »
So Ray & I have been following Steve's instructions on vortexbuickset & it was going way too smoothly until the gremlins showed up. I can lift up the cover of the case 1"-2" all around the front, middle & sides easily but right in the centre against the firewall it won't budge? Not Up, Down, Left or Right? Looking over the pics & instructions we did Not remove the 4x 12mm nuts & 2 brackets for washer trim support. I don't see how they would stop it but something is blocking it? Any ideas? :chin:   

General Buick Tech / Coil or Module on Power Logger?
« on: July 15 2020, 04:57:11 PM »
Well I still haven't spent any time on the car except new plugs with oil & filter. The car has always run rich & idle exhaust is always a bit gassy smelling but now it's causing issues. When the car is cold it starts fine but after a drive with normal engine temps & it's parked for 20-30 mins it's a bit hard to start & sounds like it's running on less than all 6 cylinders for 10-15 secs.

If I hook up power Logger what should I look at when it runs rough for that 10-15 secs. Thanks   :cheers: [size=78%]  [/size]

General Buick Tech / Oil Pressure sending unit
« on: June 26 2019, 04:03:47 PM »

My oil pressure sending unit turned into a fountain of Oil! It comes out the sensor thru each of the 3 prongs? Luckily the rubber cap stayed on & I only lost 2 litres in a half mile ride home. I still had 20 lbs pressure when I shut it off in the outside parking lot. There's a very visible trail from where it started on the main street right to where I stopped it. I wasn't sure where it was but the Oil was all in one spot so it became obvious after taking out the turbo bracket & rad hose. After removing the rubber plug we started the car & it just oozed thru the 3 prongs nice & steady. I think I've heard of this happening before but I'm not sure? So the question I have is has this happened to anyone here or Steve you ever recall it happening? Also, I assumed the car wouldn't start when the sensor was unplugged but since I run a TT chip that feature must be left out? I thought if it didn't read 4 lbs oil then it would automatically shut off the engine but it fired right up with the used spare I had in the pile. Any who, it's not something you see very often so I'm glad I have an Oil Pressure Gauge!

General Buick Tech / Exhaust Smells Rich
« on: October 06 2017, 04:20:08 PM »
I wanted to start this thread so I can keep adding to my progress as I go along.
In the last 3-4? seasons I've been chasing (with not much effort) the reasons behind my gassy smelling exhaust. The engine has maybe 40-50 track runs & not too many street miles since the last rebuild about 7-8? years ago. TT 6.1 2009 chip with a/f tracking, burned for 26 lbs but my waste gate rod set at 22 lbs, 60's, Gen 2 translator with 12% fuel out across the board,
(I can do low-med-high load rpm points later) fuel pressure turned down 1 lb, old 67 Q trim
4" in 3" out, power logger, wide band, scan master, fuel pressure gauge, Meth etc.
I purchased a Bob Bailey Gen 2 chip with the Gen 2 originally years ago & used it a month then back to the TT but tried it today & black smoke with bad stumble at idle?? Back to the TT
One more try tomorrow & if no good I'll send it back for Bob to look at.

1 TT chip I did a 10 min city cruise BLM part throttle 122, coast 128, stop light 137
I'll get the PL hooked up for a good run Sat am early but for now
2 compression check all cylinders from 146-150
3 all plugs are White & gap stayed at a tight 30 thous.
4 PCV is nice & clean
5 small oil filter to Turbo is clean & that's where I stopped today. PL in the AM
Maybe my imagination but seemed a bit less gassy smelling at idle?

General Buick Tech / Gen 2 help
« on: May 21 2017, 12:15:37 PM »
I Finally said Enuf Procrastinatin g & after 5+ years of running Rich (mostly at idle & cruise) I'm tired of my clothes smelling like exhaust if you stand anywhere near the tail pipes.
Currently using TT Alchy chip (think 5.7) for 26 lbs boost but waste gate rod is set at 21.
Old school 67 4" in 3" out. I also have an Extender Extreme for Alchy about same boost I used for a while one summer. So anyways I started reading up on the Gen 2 & went thru all the settings & they were right except one major issue.

User Tune AF
Low +63.5 all RPM range?
Med looked ok with most numbers around/under 5 for all RPM except a couple at 4000+ RPM were 63.5?
High looked ok for all RPM.

So I set All the Low RPM to 0 to get started, as well as the Med from 63.5 back to 0.
Start the car & drive 100 yards turn off car & ALL of Low & Med are back at 63.5?
It wasn't just that time as Some went back to 63.5 only starting & stopping the engine without driving but I wan't paying close attention since I never thought that would even happen? No where does it say I need to Lock In the settings as all others stay set so any idea what's going on? 

Also Question about these settings.
Lo Load pt 32.5  KPA
Mid Load pt 100.1 KPA
Hi Load pt 143 KPA
Are these settings related to the MAF? I have no idea & they aren't explained or even mentioned with the Gen 2 instructions I have from Full Throttle? They are mentioned in the General Settings Pamphlet but no kind of instructions or even explanation? Thanks for any help you can offer.
I hope this comes out the right size Font as I deleted then moved a few words around & this site makes the letters so small they are impossible to read.

IHADAV8 Playground / OLD Windows 2000 test
« on: May 14 2017, 01:09:29 PM »
I use this old laptop for Power Logger & this Board is the Only other thing it works on! I have Zero Internet otherwise. Actually I just realized today that I can get here from the only shortcut I have that works? I guess that's a sign telling me where I need to be!  :rock:   
Anyways, the PL is an older version but works fine for me & I'm Happy with it. I want to try to upload an old PL File to see ifit works? After this I'll start another thread about my new laptop & issues getting PL to work. Anyways let's see if this works? It's from BPG about 5-6 years ago. Don't think that worked? Let me know if you can open it? I haven't done this for years & don't remember how I used to do it?

General Buick Tech / Boost-Vacuum issue on Scanmaster
« on: April 26 2017, 01:58:18 PM »
Hey Everybody I hope you are all ready for another season with the Hot Rods!   
Spring is here & I have an old Gremlin I'm tired of & need some pointers.
I have a Mechanical Boost-Vacuum gauge along with Scanmaster 2.1
They both work great when the under the hood engine temps aren't too hot.
When the engine bay gets hot after some city-highway driving & some quick blasts the Scanmaster Boost readings get all crazy.[size=78%] [/size][/size]It shows 5-10 lbs boost while just cruising along & I think it also shows some Knock when this happens. Vacuum is also Screwy. I'm not sure if the dash Boost Lights go funky? Meanwhile t[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/size]he Mechanical gauge works fine through all this nonsense.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/size]Once the engine is c[size=78%][/size]ooled down a bit then everything works Normal again?[size=78%]
Again I need to confirm but I think the Scanmaster shows some Knock Retard when this happens yet the Audible Knock Detector didn't go off. The engine never goes over 160* & the Dual fans work properly.
I will hook up the Powerlogger for some readings the next time I go for a drive.

Separate issue l[/size]ast couple years had the Audible Knock sensor chirping when the car was cold at start up & the first 5 mins driving so I unhooked the Engines Knock Sensor last year. [size=78%]

[/size]Any suggestions are Appreciated! [size=78%] :cheers:

IHADAV8 Playground / Dental Implants
« on: August 25 2016, 09:03:32 AM »
I've never paid a Dental Surgeon the price of a used car to have this lovely feeling of being punched in the face about 5-6 times. Luckily the swelling is not to much an issue so far but tomorrow is the worst day he says?
I think I actually got off pretty good compared to some because they are all in the lower front. So looks like I'm hanging around until Monday eating pain killers & watching Netflix!
One thing is I noticed the difference between a Dentist & Surgeon. My Dentist is really good to me but the Surgeon is really smooth when he's working & I felt nothing at all altho my entire jaw was frozen solid.
His motions just seem smoother than my dentist but at 10x the cost he better be good!
The work was needed & now I have the feeling of real teeth again!  :cheers:

General Buick Tech / AC question?
« on: August 23 2016, 02:42:50 PM »
So 2 AC issues on my 87 LTD

#1 about a month ago a very hot day I'm driving in heavy traffic for a couple hours (rush hour to-from airport) & my still stock Ice Cold R-12 filled system is blowing great. At about the 2 hour mark I Assume a Vacuum Hose starts to collapse because the fan is blowing fine but the vents aren't opening enough to allow the air flow out them? I try switching from Defrost-Heat-Vents-On-Off etc & fan is on High blowing great but almost no air flow?
I get home pop the hood & don't notice any messed up hoses? I leave it a few days & turn it back on & all is fine & still is fine during a 2 hour hiway drive & again a very Hot day air is Ice Cold.
Altho I do remember on a Long Drive last year the same thing happened?
Any ideas where to look because there is nothing obvious under hood I can see?

#2 On the drive out to the show this weekend about 30 mins in the guys are telling me my AC drip line behind passenger front tire is spewing out water on the hiway as I drive. Does this for a couple mins then stops. Figure maybe it got clogged & blew it out but that's a Lot of water? All is normal since.
One thing I noticed just prior to that I got One Puff of dense air vapor come out the centre vent. That was it.
Air is still Ice Cold & no issues? Any idea's because I hate chasing Gremlins! Thanks!  :chin:

General Buick Tech / Brake Rotor Dust Cap?
« on: May 14 2016, 05:16:15 PM »
So I finally decided to install the GM rotors & new pads that have been collecting dust for 3-4 years. The dust/grease caps fit nice & tight on one rotor & the other both caps are loose by maybe 1/32-1/64?
So can I just use a dab of silicone or glue to keep it on nice & snug?
These rotors came off a board member & included all bearings plus a metal-rubber Seal that goes onto the spindle 1st before any bearings. Never had one installed on my previous setup?

General Buick Tech / 87 Winshield Wiper Motor Delay Box
« on: March 19 2016, 12:37:35 PM »
Does anyone know if Kirban, GBody or Caspers are rebuilding the Wiper Delay Box covers for 86-87's?
My original quit working years ago so I grabbed another one. Last summer it stopped but after someone here said to Rap on it a few times it started working again. Possibly my original just needs the same but I doubt it. So since nobody has any for sale is someone doing the rebuilds? I figure Kirban might be the best guess? I assume that they just seize up because they rarely get used except on occasion at the car wash? Maybe I should take it apart to clean & lube it up? Thanks!

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