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Messages - Just a Six?

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General Buick Tech / Re: scanmaster quit
« on: June 19 2024, 11:30:13 AM »
Glad I took a look at this thread it reminded me that mine has either a bad ground or the chip needs to come out & get re seated. It scrolls thru all the 50's codes then 40's & 30's but always starts with the 50's.
I'll do that & take the PL out & see what it says when it cools down out here it's Hot this week!

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Merry Christmas, Everyone!
« on: December 25 2023, 10:11:55 AM »
Merry Christmas everyone!   :cheers:

General Buick Tech / Re: Which Size Rear Tires?
« on: November 10 2023, 09:17:39 AM »
Thanks for all the info guys I've run 275-60 for so long that I barely remember the others but I did have Hoosier Quick times in a 255-? Brad I may do one track day some time if Tim & Paul go out but I want Street tires that I feel safe with if I see rain clouds coming. I put the car away Monday after a car wash & a half hour cruise with the temp about 5*-6* & the ass end kicked out every time I gave it a bit of throttle so that's no fun. Just plain scary at times.
I'm going to see what I find in 255-60 & 255-55
Again thanks for the help!  :cheers:

I haven't been paying too much attention to the car stuff the last 4-5 years but Wow prices are sure not what i remember from back in the day when stuff was plentiful   :icon_eyes:

General Buick Tech / Re: Which Size Rear Tires?
« on: November 09 2023, 07:17:39 PM »
Steve I agree that the 255's do look short. The 275-60 look good & with Air Bags in my springs I can adjust as needed so unless I hear of some other ideas come next year it will be the MT 275-60. I'm not changing rims etc. Honestly the thought of selling the car has crossed my mind this summer & it's the 1st time I've ever thought like that. I only put on about 600 kms so the oil isn't even dirty. The crazy thing is that I'm now out of the city with lots of roads to cut loose on but how many times am I going to do that? I don't know but if I get the price I'm thinking about it will probably be a move I'll make.
Now when spring rolls around & I fire it up the 1st time I won't be thinking about that because it's still gives me a rush when I jump on it!   :rock:

General Buick Tech / Which Size Rear Tires?
« on: November 09 2023, 04:46:09 PM »
So I still have my MT 275-60 x 15 Drag Radials on the back (which were new back at BPG 2013) & they still have some tread for a track day but that's pretty much history for me so I'm in need of street tires & the front TA are still fine.                         
Amazon has MT 275-60 x 15 but I'm thinking maybe a 255-50? instead for a less aggressive look & a better fit?
What size tires are you guys using on the back these days?  :cheers:

No I don't drive the car much for those tires to still have tread after 3 years of BPG events & 10 years driving.  :rolleyes;
I do have a couple stock rims just in case I get the itch I can swap on the DR's.

General Buick Tech / Re: Help with turbo mounting and vacuum lines
« on: June 24 2023, 12:55:31 PM »
Thanks Dave I'll take a look but does it really matter that some are larger than others? 1/4 & 5/16 are pretty close in size?

General Buick Tech / Re: Help with turbo mounting and vacuum lines
« on: June 23 2023, 07:08:37 PM »
Silicone vacuum hose is what I use

Dave what size is the hose 1/4" or something like that? I need to add a couple check valves for HVAC & cruise control & Dorman has a few options.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Happy Birthday, David!
« on: January 18 2023, 09:19:57 AM »
Thanks Joe   :cheers:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Happy Birthday, David!
« on: January 17 2023, 06:25:06 PM »
Roast Beef & Cheesecake for dinner so I had a full belly! Thanks Dave  :cheers:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Happy Birthday, David!
« on: January 17 2023, 04:04:06 PM »
Steve I'm getting there but when I was younger I thought because a person was old all their thinking would magically change in some weird way? My body definitely doesn't perform as well but really all that's changed is my short term memory loss! That's no BS & when I'm talking to my mom who's 91 it's the same thing short term memory loss but you remember all the good times that happened through life so that's all that counts. If I can't remember your name well sorry it is what it is!  Thanks Steve!  :cheers:

That kid is going to become one of the top builders anywhere. Very Cool stuff!

General Auto Tech / Re: Bertha - 08 GMC Yukon XL Denali
« on: November 30 2022, 07:36:06 PM »
That's a big job & they're hard to work on with the truck so high up but looking good! More than I would want to tackle myself. Your buddy will have a great truck again.  :cheers:

I got my 04 off a long lease & now has just under 200k miles almost all hiway so it runs good but lots of salt abuse means lots of rust too. I did repairs around the wheels this summer & then sprayed a few rattle cans of assorted black & I ended up using the Rust Check Gloss Black & gave it a little buff. Looks decent enough for me.

General Buick Tech / Re: Thermostat install
« on: November 29 2022, 05:11:29 PM »
Open up the "petcock valve" on rad & let some coolant out with no mess to clean up.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Reply to Ed's comments in the Shout Box
« on: November 20 2022, 05:24:41 PM »
"NBC should not be allowed to own spin offs like MSNBC and so on.
Even Fox has such distorted commentators that I only read the newsfeed.  I don't believe anything that Hannity says.  Those guys are all ego driven and make big bucks catering to the gullible.  Just report the news without repackaging it to make it entertaining to their followers.   All the so called truthful news media are in it to make big bucks and get invited to the right parties so they can feel important."

This is the reason I just can't force myself to watch the news or any of the Know It All talking heads on Twit Twat etc. I will Read some of the news but No Way I will listen to Any of them tell me how smart they are & what I should think!  :013:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: This Is The Way
« on: November 10 2022, 03:20:47 PM »
I didn't follow all the election craziness much except some headlines but wasn't Trump against DeSantis before the election?
Makes me wonder if a group of people got together & figured if they switched sides & made sure that DeSantis won it would sure be a great way to stick a fork in Trump when all the ones he did back did so great? I wonder?   :chin:

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