[link] He has a whole slew of vids. I do LOVE me some vintage Ferrari though after hearing of Jay Leno and his distaste for the dealers I can see why people might shy away. Beautiful cars none the less. I hope everyone is well!
Dave, pardon the delayed response. Been head down doing Drag n Drive prep and execution for the last few months. Steve's right we're in SK. Monte didn't make it, blew the diff out of the Hellcat as plan B:https://www.instagram.com/p/C9yxrrTR3pL
EQ can bring up the bottom end. The vintage receivers have a warmer sound than the new junk. I run primarily the vintage Pioneer stuff. 680, 780, 980. I have a Yamaha CR 620 and a Toshiba 335 amp, pre amp and tuner. All have Eq's.
100w woke them up. Definitely need to be paired with a sub, zero low end at lower volumes. Definitely are louder than I care to listen too - I’ll have zero issues drowning out the neighbors gay pride orgies now
Jeremy, I looked those up on Audikarma. Prolly came from a rack system originally. You'll need a little more puch to wake them up. 35-40 will do it. I use equalizers with all my vintage systems. You can pick up vintage radio shack equalizers fairly inexpensively still. I have al the final setups inn my shop and man cave. When you see the vids you'll shit.
A/C quit on our 2017 Honda CRV, dealer just called it lost a seal at the compressor. 100% covered by Honda - they extended the warranty on this specific item. 7 year old car, and the refrigerant is $150/lb - awesome - I needed a win!