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Anybody with knowledge of Solid or Inrupt-

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--- Quote from: nocooler on October 15 2018, 01:39:25 PM ---I’m more of a network security guy,

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Yeah, my brother does that. He got a Masters in computer science in the '90's. At one time, he headed a work group for the Navy/Marines testing weapon systems. For yrs now, he has been the top IT guy for the largest county in Ks. I do not charge. Never have.

I am fast approaching the conclusion, although Orwellian in nature it is inescapable. If you want to go online.

Net Neutrality was never law, but was entirely about regulating T-1 servers. Possibly, where this started. The timing has to be close.

I have spent the time this morning, to test my firewall and it answered a ping. The most common 1000+ ports did not respond. After stopping my firewall and a retry, my ISP has not closed any of my ports. Something they routinely do. All modern firewalls are 'adaptive', so no alternatives now exist.

thanx for the response, people-it is the new reality, like it or not. I may try a bare bones Linux distro  from behind a partition, we will see.

It’s the same everywhere. Always some vendor making your day longer than it should be. Then there are the employees that somehow manage to fuck up every they touch, yet are never held accountable.


--- Quote from: daveismissing on October 15 2018, 02:14:56 PM ---
Yah, every PC is unique and can be identified without cookies.

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Yeah, it's called a 'machine name'. It is communicated PC to PC, not through a browser. This can not be stopped if you want to go online. Your ISP logs these automatically. You can use Shields Up to find your identifier. Your IP addy changes all the time. Not the identifier.

Online, I have the ability to change my IP address and country of origin, everything a website sees/requires. Not at my ISP's server.

thanks guys, I am out.


--- Quote from: nocooler on October 15 2018, 11:03:56 AM ---I wouldn’t spend much time worrying about it. I doubt it’ll be something that you’ll ever need to use.

If I was doing registry scans and finding malicious code, I’d be making some changes.

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The stuff my kids and wife will click on is unending.


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