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nocooler's firechicken thread

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Steve Wood:
Onward and maybe sideways :icon_fU:


--- Quote from: nocooler on September 02 2022, 01:47:45 PM ---Steve - If it comes in a thunderbolt sign me up!

Pretty sure Brad was saying to buy once cry once - rather than incremental upgrades.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I started out with stockers, then 50's, 60's then 80's. If I was to do it again I'd go to 80's just for the street. These cars were a huge learning curve for me...took me awhile to figure them out. There were several guys in Toronto I mistakenly listened to that at the end of the day didn't know shit.

Steve Wood:
We were all in the beginning stages with the cars and no one really knew anything. Some, like Jim Bell, did not know anything but they knew how to market and sold more snake oil than was ever sold off a horse and wagon.

There are still guys out there that mix a little science with aggressive marketing.  Joe Blow brought his car in and left with one that should make 600 hp on a Dyno...modern day Tik Tok marketing.

In the meantime, there HAS been some major league improves in turbos and converters as well as fuel management if one truly needs it.

Or one can just LS swap and forget about magic lol

The CEA turbo's were a game changer. I cut my teeth with Dusty Bradford on the other board about torque convertors. I talked to Patrick as soon as the CEA turbos came out. Joe, my engine builder/friend had a 16930 that Patrick said would work nice with the 6262. Went out and cracked off an 11.5 at 121 on the first pass on 20 PSI. My home track has a short shutoff so I got moved to 1/8th mile Sportsman Class. I never even looked at 1/8th mile numbers until my first dial in run. Car was a turd in the 1/8th and short time. A light went off in my head so I took a look at the 02 numbers at the shift points. Think it was in the 830's. Dialed the low gear fueling down and business picked up. I went back to my NA days spinning the distributor a few degrees for a little more timing would wake it up. Applied that to these engines...same thing. Erics default timing for his race chip was 28-26. I slowly moved the timing up to as much as 34 degrees of low gear...and things really got rolling...exce pt 60 foot. I got Dan Keller to video the rear quarter and what I saw was the rear bottoming and unloading the tires. Threw a pair of rear single adjustables on and went for an evening test session and kept dialing them firmer on each launch and I was into the 1/5's. Getting these cars through the 330 is everything. High gear is easy. Throw enough fuel at your desired boost level so it doesn't hurt itself. Oh, and stay away from cool guy parts and snake oil salesmen.

As far as convertors, the PTC race convertors are the hot ticket...spec'd by Dusty of course. FYI. Patrick is back at Precision again.

Have you tested the Latvian injectors? Seems to be all rally racing there from what I've seen


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