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Messages - straycat990

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IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Motivational Poster
« on: August 09 2011, 08:27:53 PM »
HAHAHA  ....What is sad is that there are women who have said that shit.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Most beautiful goat in the world?
« on: August 09 2011, 01:23:58 PM »
something is wrong with that goat's eyes...Goat's have vertical slits for pupils.   I have some black goats with yellow eyes and they look just like the devil...or so I think the devil looks.  I have been divorced for a few years so I may not have a clear picture in my mind

I agree with ya ...that pic has to be a photoshop creation.

Not sure about that - looks like a lot of them have eyes like that.

well maybe it isn't.  It damn sure is mutant looking and I not sure I even want to know what they crossbred to create that thing.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Most beautiful goat in the world?
« on: August 09 2011, 11:43:36 AM »
something is wrong with that goat's eyes...Goat's have vertical slits for pupils.   I have some black goats with yellow eyes and they look just like the devil...or so I think the devil looks.  I have been divorced for a few years so I may not have a clear picture in my mind

I agree with ya ...that pic has to be a photoshop creation.

This pic had to come from Canada. lol   

5  :102:

Is that a site about tuberculosis?

Transmissions / Re: Is this the forward drum shaft?
« on: August 03 2011, 02:45:34 PM »
Hey now. I'm going to use a L/U converter..

Nothing wrong with a LU convertor...ju st find one that hasn't been locked up at the track in 3rd gear at WOT on a regular basis.

Who does that?  Everyone I knew had a toggle switch on the ground wire so they could lock up the convertor when second gear engaged.

Transmissions / Re: Is this the forward drum shaft?
« on: August 03 2011, 12:01:51 PM »
Any tranny shop should be able to flush the d5 out for you. 

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: I think Mark's messin with me
« on: August 02 2011, 09:20:07 PM »
Mark,  you're doing a fine job.  The new software is sweet, to say the least.  I do miss the games the other software had with it.  They were great for killing time.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: I think Mark's messin with me
« on: August 02 2011, 08:12:43 PM »
I thought Mark had changed the forum's default theme to "core".

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: God's Country
« on: August 01 2011, 01:47:52 AM »
I thought you raised meat goats ... My wife and I got the nubians to milk. I am hoping by this time next year to have some home made feta cheese for my salads.

General Buick Tech / Re: Turbo recommendations?
« on: July 31 2011, 09:35:52 PM »
Nice vids of the the original Harry Hand Grenade!!!

Oh and I vote bigger turbo  :icon_super:   
upgrade those injectors and put a T72 p trim on that monster  :w00t:

General Buick Tech / Re: I will move from the other site if?
« on: July 31 2011, 09:31:37 PM »
Teve hangs out here ...just post up a tech question and you will get a reply :D

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: God's Country
« on: July 31 2011, 07:45:08 PM »
Dang ...2/3 of the herd!  Which breed do you have?  I just got a couple of Nubian female kids (4 months old)  and they eat like there is no tomorrow.  They have cleared out a half acre of  woods in less than a month. 

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: God's Country
« on: July 31 2011, 04:35:44 PM »
oh btw Mark,  why ya editing my post with your answer? :p

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: God's Country
« on: July 31 2011, 04:34:03 PM »
well its obvious that they are not feeding on the car   I am willing to bet that they would be goat stew if they were to nibble on it.

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