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Messages - larrym

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General Buick Tech / Re: combustion chamber softening
« on: August 12 2021, 12:17:39 PM »
I too wonder about the compression loss and how it would affect performance, the guy that I was talking to locally is a nitrous  guy he is planning to build a couple engines small blocks and apply this to them to see how it works for him he seemed pretty excited so I figured I would see if anyone had tried it on a Buick. 

Moonshine and nitrous lol

General Buick Tech / Re: combustion chamber softening
« on: August 11 2021, 06:37:18 PM »
Thanks for the link Steve, I think the idea is to reduce quench area on motors with power adders like the hemi heads, what I have read is quench areas will work well if its tight the quote on the video was "knocking the carbon off" with the soften combustion chamber you have a larger tuning window without having to get the piston to head clearance very tight. I'm sure there are draw backs just doing some research to see if it been done for our application do our dished pistons have the same affect I wonder.


General Buick Tech / combustion chamber softening
« on: August 11 2021, 03:09:26 PM »
Hi guys been laying in the weeds not doing much with the car did some chassis and suspension work she rolls pretty straight and true now, we only had 1 test and tune event last year and 1 race this year with Covid restrictions.

I have a question about chamber softening to help reduce detonation, has anyone ever played with this or do you know of any that has?

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Coming soon to my little corner of the world
« on: November 13 2019, 02:40:31 PM »
I'm doing it for the planet to reduce my carbon foot print :045:

IHADAV8 Playground / Coming soon to my little corner of the world
« on: November 13 2019, 12:45:19 PM »
Well looks like the Vega is gonna be corn fed.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Brad
« on: June 27 2019, 07:16:03 PM »
That sucks hope everything works out for you Brad hope you recouver quickly and fully!!

General Auto Tech / Re: nocooler's firechicken thread
« on: June 26 2019, 01:54:43 PM »
I like the fender dump looks great!

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Badges and rattle can paint
« on: June 25 2019, 01:05:51 PM »
Thats the Barn I put it together in like a true farmer  :D  hillbilly racing  :icon_kidra:

IHADAV8 Playground / Badges and rattle can paint
« on: June 24 2019, 03:25:53 PM »
Got bored and spent the afternoon sanded some of the blue and hit it with some BBQ paint added a tri-shield badge and some hood badges now its flat black all over.

General Buick Tech / Re: Helping a buddy can’t lower boost.
« on: May 08 2019, 04:33:22 PM »
no worries Phil hyjack away. I'm pretty sure its the housing needs to be ported.

General Buick Tech / Re: Helping a buddy can’t lower boost.
« on: May 06 2019, 05:37:48 PM »
arrg i did not want to pull off the turbo or take it apart....  its a very shinny car means I gotta be careful and clean I'm a farmer  :O

General Buick Tech / Helping a buddy can’t lower boost.
« on: May 05 2019, 09:11:03 PM »
I did not install the turbo so I’m not sure. Once I hear back on the test with the actuator off I will have to pull the downpipe and see hope it’s not that hate pulling apart a brand new turbo to port the exhaust.
I got the exact turbo on mine with an external gate I can get the boost down to 14psi.

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General Buick Tech / Helping a buddy can’t lower boost.
« on: May 05 2019, 07:10:36 PM »
Ok so far tested the can with air it seems to work as it should.
Looked at the fitting and casting of the turbo they seem good no blockage
A test with the actuator disconnected is in the works. 
This downpipe was on the old turbo worked well then.

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General Buick Tech / Helping a buddy can’t lower boost.
« on: May 05 2019, 03:09:57 PM »
I tried that Steve no change.
That was was what made me think there is no boost getting to the can
One thing I did not try but should have was unhook the actuator.

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General Buick Tech / Helping a buddy can’t lower boost.
« on: May 05 2019, 02:35:38 PM »
Car has had a new turbo 6262 added and a Lorenz controller TH style downpipe.
Puck moves freely and all hoses are new.
Installed a powerlogger for him and said I would help setup a decent tune in it.
Power logger and boost gauge both read the same
28-29 psi. (Car ran like a raped ape)
Cranked the boost controller back as far as I could no change.  Loosened the actuator 1/4 inch there was slack no change. Unhooked the boost controller went tuner style no change.
I might try a lighter can if I can find one local.
Boost pressure not getting to the can perhaps?
Any other ideas?

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