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Messages - Shimy87

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General Auto Tech / Re: nocooler's firechicken thread
« on: August 02 2021, 03:10:18 PM »
nice shop!

General Buick Tech / Re: TT chip and octane
« on: July 26 2021, 02:29:40 PM »
Car still had a slight miss at cruise so I swapped coil/wires from mine and gone. Rock auto sells a few coils. Any i should avoid or any i should try to get?

General Buick Tech / Re: Camshaft shift points
« on: July 23 2021, 05:20:07 PM »
I think Monday i will call Husak and ask if he sells govenors that will shift at 5500......I like the idea of keeping the stock one just in case.

On the springs, I didn't shim or test the 981's when I got them, just installed them. Seems like the spring choice can be a contentious subject. In my mind running a higher pressure is just making life tougher on the cam for a mostly street driven car......but I'm probably way off in my thoughts!

On the topic of a better 60 ft., that best run i had. Looking at the log i think I left at a crazy amount of hooked but don't know if I'm ever getting a 1.5 or lower.

General Auto Tech / Re: nocooler's firechicken thread
« on: July 23 2021, 05:07:48 PM »
Looking good, grass came in great on the slopes!!

General Buick Tech / Re: Camshaft shift points
« on: July 23 2021, 10:07:22 AM »
I put 981's in when I did the cam. 

If I do continue to race it I don't see a down side to modifying the governor to get the shift up to, say 5500 in 1-2. It might shift a bit sooner on 3-4 but if that mod doesn't effect regular driving I don't see it slowing me down? Unless its a real bitch to do that mod I'm really considering it.

The 981's probably have 20,000 miles on them and 50 passes.....wou ld they still be fine or should I consider changing them again?


General Buick Tech / Re: Camshaft shift points
« on: July 22 2021, 09:14:53 PM »
I have been reading on increasing shift points in the tranny. You can modify some part in there that can raise the shift point, question is. Will this just raise the WOT shift and retain drivability or would it also effect normal driving shifting?

The only tach I have in my car is in the SM so kinda hard to use that to shift. Also I don't think I'm quick enough to make the 1-2 shift🤣🤣

General Buick Tech / Re: Tim Stockwell. Always worth a read
« on: July 21 2021, 09:45:42 PM »
Pretty impressive

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 21 2021, 10:51:51 AM »
Yes. New IC
Flat tappet cam

After a long talk with Husek, the converter guy, he said the same thing. get some timing in first to get it to rev, he also suggested 26-27 lbs on boost. Said to really watch the fueling when messing with timing

I'm at a weird crossroads with the car. I love the racing/tuning stuff. I also love the car and not being boastful but its like new inside and the paint/body are perfect also. I'm the OCD car guy that is constantly polishing and cleaning..... Racing it is nerve racking but my goal was an 11 second car. I know thats not that impressive but that was my original goal and I have made it....barley but its there. In my head, I know I'm never getting in the 10's, so whats the point of pushing the car just to get to mid, maybe low 11's?? Is the risk of tearing up the car for a few more tenths worth it?

Dont know what I'm going to do, just talking to you guys for some feedback. I love the racing and I have a 2011 Camero thats not that fast but also fun to race and I have no "concerns" when I run that one.

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 20 2021, 05:29:38 PM »
2% is probably wrong :) I used the 110 MPH on the time slip, 5066 at the line, 27.8 tire height, stock 3.42 rear and 4th gear is 67:1 ( I think)

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 20 2021, 04:40:59 PM »
its got a 206/206 cam. I'll have to figure out the slip thing :)

The calculators I find say about 2% slip???

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 20 2021, 03:54:54 PM »
Talke to Husek and he said not to lock converter with a switch. I have to check my logs at home but I think the car was shifting and going thru the lights at about 5200 rpm...shouldnt it be closer to 5400 on the shifts and at the line?

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 18 2021, 08:11:21 PM »
Didn't get many runs,  the waves of knock at the end of run had me scared to do much more...was probably false? I expected better mph also...I will contact the converter guy.

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 18 2021, 06:11:09 PM »
I cant get pic of time slip to load, heres the numbers
60 '  1.677
330   4.828
1/8  7.564
mph 89.5
1000  9.951
1/4    11.984
mph  110.31

log of that run attached, best of the day, it was humid and 85 degrees. Nothing amazing but finally hit the 11's so I'm happy.....Than ks Steve!!!

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 17 2021, 01:48:41 PM »
Thanks Steve, I give it a go a let ya know what it ran Sunday!!

General Buick Tech / Re: getting ready for track
« on: July 16 2021, 11:54:09 PM »
Thanks Steve, never messed with timing before. What would you suggest for first gear timing?

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