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Messages - chrisgarrett

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IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Dodge Caravan Exhaust help
« on: July 10 2011, 10:04:54 PM »
Yeah, thanks Steve.  I'll try some washers tomorrow.  Hope all is well with you and yours.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Dodge Caravan Exhaust help
« on: July 10 2011, 09:38:12 PM »
The donut is metal.  Looks like lead.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Dodge Caravan Exhaust help
« on: July 10 2011, 09:37:16 PM »
It's a new donut.  I tried putting it both ways, but it clearly tapers into the manifold.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Dodge Caravan Exhaust help
« on: July 10 2011, 09:33:45 PM »
That's what I was thinking, but why did the last piece fit without washers?  Here's the old pieces which are identical to the new.  I keep thinking I'll have a head-slap moment :shrug:


IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Dodge Caravan Exhaust help
« on: July 10 2011, 09:21:56 PM »
Steve, the bolts slip right through the holes in the flange.  The shoulder on the bolt is at the rusty manifold piece.  All of the pieces, including the gasket are identical to what I took off and there was no leak at this point.

IHADAV8 Playground / Dodge Caravan Exhaust help
« on: July 10 2011, 08:00:33 PM »
Hi guys.  I left, but I didn't get very far.  I need help.

I replaced the exhaust on my Dodge Caravan with the exact same parts, nothing added, nothing missing. The kit I'm using looks exactly like the stuff I took off.  The bolts have a shoulder on them and only go so tight.  The lead gasket is loose in there, even though I can't make this any tighter.  Anyone familiar with this setup?

IHADAV8 Playground / Goodbye and thanks.
« on: June 09 2011, 07:34:24 AM »
I sold my beloved Buick so I won't be around anymore.  I was never smart enough to contribute much to the tech discussions, but I sure enjoyed reading them.  I could never have owned my Buick without all of the help I got over the years, especially on m.  
I owe a lot of thanks to many people, but I especially want to thank Steve Wood for all of his patience with me.  Steve, I've only known you via the forums, but you're one of the smartest people I've ever had the pleasure knowing.  
Good luck to all of you guys and I wish you all the best.
Chris Garrett

General Auto Tech / Re: Vibrating Sound
« on: June 02 2011, 10:41:09 AM »
Someone would have to ride under the hood, because it only does it under load.

General Auto Tech / Re: Vibrating Sound
« on: June 02 2011, 09:44:50 AM »
I sure it's not the converter.

General Auto Tech / Re: Vibrating Sound
« on: May 31 2011, 05:29:58 AM »
Someone else suggested that and I checked the bolts.  They are tight.  Thanks

General Auto Tech / Re: Vibrating Sound
« on: May 30 2011, 10:00:52 PM »
Holy Crap!  It doesn't sound anything like that.  It's as if the inspection cover were loose (it's not).  Or the intercooler shroud (metal) were vibrating. It does it when I first accelerate, at any speed,  for about 20 seconds, and then it's gone.  I know this isn't much to go on, but I''m just looking for suggestions on what I might look at.

General Auto Tech / Re: Vibrating Sound
« on: May 30 2011, 09:47:40 PM »
Doesn't do it when idling.  Only on acceleration.

General Auto Tech / Re: Vibrating Sound
« on: May 30 2011, 09:34:20 PM »
Damn vibraton sound is back.  I can't feel it, I can only hear it.  Whenever I accelerate, even a little, there's the vibrating sound.  The car is running and shifting fine.  What does a bad converter sound like?  I've had my damn stethescope and hose on every part of the darn car.  Can't find it.  Any ideas?

General Buick Tech / Re: Valve adjustment
« on: May 29 2011, 11:19:03 AM »
Thanks Steve.

General Auto Tech / Re: Vibrating Sound
« on: May 29 2011, 08:12:21 AM »
Got rid of the vibration.  I had zip-tied the trans cooler lines away from the crossover pipe and they were contacting the intercooler bracket further up, causing them to vibrate.

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