Tech Area > A/C, Heating and Cooling

Regal Radiator

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I wouldn't put a $90 radiator in my Regal. If you just want a crutch to hold you over a bit ok but not permanent.

Are you keeping the car? Racing? Plans for a front mount?
Check the buick vendors for the safest route.

I run a cheapass F Body rad in my car with twin fans. I ditched the oil cooler and use a separate trans cooler.

F body rad here as well. Feather light, and cools better than my factory one did. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this for much hotter climates though.

I would recommend it all day long.    Since they can be bought for $70 shipped with a lifetime warranty, an external cooler or two really isn't too much to ask.  They flat out work, AND knock a bunch of weight of the nose.

ESP when you consider that EVERY car with an auto trans should already have one in the first place.

I bought the ebay alum , 2 row  rad, (about $120)   added external trans (big!) and oil coolers,
added  dual fans,
at 1st thought  fans didn't work as  never came on, using laser temp gun, showed temps to be  under 160,
all the time,  so went  with 180 stat, car NEVER gets warm, ever!
my personal opinion....... . you can never cool a trans to much!  yes, if  its 20 below maybe,
 but if your  on boost alot,  as much rad, and trans cooler as you can fit.


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