General > IHADAV8 Playground

Here Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy!

(1/2) > >>

[schild=19 fontcolor=FF0000 shadowcolor=C0C0C0 shieldshadow=0]Grumpy's a TOOL![/schild]


I can try to get Dan here if ya want.

Nah.. He'll come by if he wants..

Cold there? ;)


--- Quote from: "SuperSix @ Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:58 pm" ---Nah.. He'll come by if he wants..

Cold there? ;)
--- End quote ---
Yup, its cold enough to freeze a polar bears private parts!

Hey, with this new update, will it stop all the bots that were posting and
the Russian sluts from Sweden ? :smt007

Also, is this "DCEPTCN's" personal emoticon ?  :smt032


--- Quote from: "Recklessrob @ Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:02 pm" ---Hey, with this new update, will it stop all the bots that were posting and
the Russian sluts from Sweden ? :smt007

--- End quote ---

Whoa!.. Russian Sluts from Sweden?...No wonder this is the "underground" Buick board.


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