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Messages - Pyro6

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IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Pyro's hard work
« on: August 21 2020, 05:30:17 PM »
Thank you Dave. Just saw this. This was our biggest show at 30K. The finale was 2 1/2 minutes. We're doing a presentation and fund raiser in November featuring drone footage of the show. Anyone interested follow our Marietta Fireworks Facebook Page.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: The Bullitt goes to Auction today!
« on: January 26 2020, 06:28:01 PM »
The coverage said they drove it for I think 34 years plus it was the wife's DD for awhile. For all intents and purposes it was a piece of junk. If it weren't for being in a movie, it would have been up for restoration. It was nothing but a movie prop.That money could have fed, housed, and supported a lot of Veterans. As for the guy that only paid 3,400 though seems similar to finding a rare painting at a yard sale.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Shopping for a two post
« on: January 09 2020, 11:34:14 PM »
My in ground 2 post is a Rotary and holding up well.

Jeez guys...   I was being cute when I asked about ''02 Taurus'' specs.     There's not one damn thing Ford or Taurus on this car!
Brain fart. You'd be amazed at how many times I deal with similar front end situations with guys in their street rods and custom cars.. It's just a normal day to me.

I don't think you would want to use Taurus specs since it's front wheel drive. They ran around negative 3/4 degrees in camber and 1/8 total toe out. Since you don't have power steering, the more negative caster you can stand, the better. So, when you put in on the machine and you have 4 degrees positive caster, maybe set it at 2 degrees positive and see how it does. In the old days, cars w/o P.S. usually ran negative caster. I would aim for 1/16 - 1/8 total toe in. Start at 1/4 degree positive camber and you should be fine. This should be a good starting point to play on the street, if you're are going to road course it only, you can tweak it from there.

If I wasn't so busy I would offer to align the thing. I just don't think we could seriously discuss thrust angle.

General Buick Tech / Re: 60 ft blues
« on: July 17 2019, 06:38:53 PM »
Since i don't have a GN anymore, just my .02$. Where I was headed and working on and what I think would have made us consistent was boost control and leaving off RPM's. Saves the equipment and gives a good 60. I'll come back to beat a dead horse, bracket racing these cars on a regular basis against other cars than turbo Buicks is a true challenge.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Saying good bye to my GN
« on: June 14 2019, 06:45:45 PM »
This week I needed to attend a planning commission meeting concerning the flood issues at the shop. Something that was at the back of my thoughts through all the garbage I've been through since last year. One of the resolutions was eminent domain: if it's going to be a non resolution issue, my property should be an extension of the basin. I'm probably going to lose my lead tech to a teaching job he is pursuing. I turned 62 Thursday. I'm not a whiner but venting is good for the soul.

General Buick Tech / Re: All about the Gray Ghost
« on: May 05 2019, 06:44:38 PM »
Been a while since I updated this thread. So here you go. Not much new happening with the limited. More testing is needed as is time.  I can probably get some testing done but I can’t make any time.

Mostly been analyzing data and adjusting things here and there. Learned a real good lesson about fluid dynamics in regards to a pressure regulator. Just can’t throw in a better pump and drive on thinking your fuel system is up to snuff.

Have an all Buick test and tune day at XRP in Ferris, TX on May 11th, 10 AM - 4 PM. 1/8th mile track. Hope to make a few passes and get some more data. Maybe even make some new PB’s.

Personal best so far in the limited:

60 foot. 1.501
1/8 ET. 6.75
1/8 MPH 104.77
1/4 ET 10.98
1/4 MPH 125.98
Nice, good job!

For Sale/Trade/Want To Buy / Re: 1987 Buick Regal Turbo T Limited
« on: April 25 2019, 09:25:44 PM »
I wish my flood money wasn't depleted, I'd be going to Canada.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Youtube mechanics suck
« on: March 21 2019, 08:34:26 AM »
It makes my career somewhat frustrating. 50 years experience down the drain, I could have just You Tubed every repair. I dare them to pass the L1 ASE test.

General Buick Tech / Re: All about the Gray Ghost
« on: March 13 2019, 06:11:53 PM »
You've come a long way since the White T at the Buick race with Charlie. Hopefully I at least taught you how to warm the tires!!!! I can't wait to see what you do not only with the GN but getting the most out of these things with a common sense approach.
Yesterday would’ve been Charlie’s birthday...  I thought about our time at little river. I really enjoyed you taking me under your wing. I really get into folks when they are teaching what I’m wanting to learn. You should’ve been a teacher or instructor Gary.  You’re good at it
Just saw this, means more than you know

General Buick Tech / Re: All about the Gray Ghost
« on: February 27 2019, 06:56:13 AM »
You know theres one in the GN?

General Buick Tech / Re: All about the Gray Ghost
« on: February 26 2019, 06:15:08 PM »
You've come a long way since the White T at the Buick race with Charlie. Hopefully I at least taught you how to warm the tires!!!! I can't wait to see what you do not only with the GN but getting the most out of these things with a common sense approach.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: Saying good bye
« on: February 09 2019, 05:23:24 PM »
I think that is exactly what any northern car looks like when you take it apart.
I know mine is way worse. You better stick around- I know where you live :o

I can run but can't hide

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