Tech Area > General Buick Tech

AFCO 30271 1978-88 GM Metric Improved Geometry Steering Center Link?



Anyone familiar with this part?

How does it compare to using the original center link & an aftermarket tie rod bump steer kit?

Will it perform as well or better with a tie rod that has a ball joint at each end, vs. a Heim joint? Does the spindle end of the tie rod still need to be mounted lower?

I'm thinking a ball joint would be preferable to a Heim joint for street driver longevity.

Found a few reviews that state the left hand turning range is reduced.

Steve Wood:
That is interesting.  I guess the real question is if this is mainly a theoretical improvement that cannot be noticed in normal driving, or is it something that can be seen, noticed, felt on the street?

Typically AFCO parts are circle track racing. Might be worth a phone call to Afco directly to verify the part will work in your application.

It should be ok if your on a right hand circle track


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