Tech Area > N/A Central

Haulin' Ass on Laughin' Gas !

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:evil; I started installing the nitrous kit in the Mazda
P/U Saturday afternoon. I still have to figure out where to
put the activating switch and run the N2O feed line. I
also got some bottle issues to take care of. I'll try to get some pics
up later in the week. :supz:

Rock it! Or should I say, rocket?


--- Quote from: "Recklessrob @ Tue May 31, 2005 12:34 am" ---:evil; I started installing the nitrous kit in the Mazda
P/U Saturday afternoon. I still have to figure out where to
put the activating switch and run the N2O feed line. I
also got some bottle issues to take care of. I'll try to get some pics
up later in the week. :supz:
--- End quote ---


Why not ?
It'll be a riot to race. 3.8 liter Buick V6
on N2O !  :supz:


--- Quote from: "Recklessrob @ Tue May 31, 2005 11:29 am" ---Why not ?
It'll be a riot to race. 3.8 liter Buick V6
on N2O !
--- End quote ---


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