General > Bitch/Whine/Moan

Ugh, why can't I attach pics?!

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You can resize 'em in Windows. If I can do it...anyone can.

Screw it, I don't have a computer.

I was just going to post pics of a dilapidated GN for sale up the road.
Considering a restored GN just auctioned for 36k it would have made a good project.

If I was rich I'd love to buy junk GNs and restore them. #DreamJob

I've never found a link to attach pics here.  At any size.

Manage attachments, then choose file. Needs to be within a certain size. That's where I have trouble. Most of my pics are on my phone and are too large. AND PHOTOBUCKET SUCKS NOW!!!

I use Pearl Mountain Image Resizer


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