General > Bitch/Whine/Moan

what the?

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Donation platform!?!?

Wow. They're looking for suckers. I hope nobody falls for their gimmick.

Shane always seemed to be pretty cool, too bad he listened to the wrong people. It was funny when people found out Shane had money, he had instant best friends that conned him into thinking they were the big dawgs of the community. Where are thoes dawgs now? Gone, just like everybody else and Shane is left with shit. Sad story....Shane didn't even know people like SW, Shane knew people like Travis...., Shane got suckered and now Shane is the #1 badguy.

I wonder how it feels to buy something that's highly active then watch it turn into a dud overnight.

I'm not scared to talk about it, it chaps my ass and will forever bug me.

Top Speed:
I am seeing that on more and more sites that I go to.  I run an ad blocker and have no intention to stop using it so I guess I won't be using their sites!

Seems Charlie was fed up with the BS too.

Steve Wood:
Buicks are a pretty small pond in the greater ocean of cars.  I have found it odd that a handful of people of questionable character have manage to keep their hooks in the community for 30 years.

I find it amazing Steve. Not how long they've been around but how they operate. Slick talkers with no shame. Narcissists too.


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